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The first weekly challenge for Project Simplify was the kids rooms/stuff. Thankfully I’ve kept track of them pretty well this past year, so there wasn’t too much to go through.
I’ve been working like crazy to get Madeline’s room put back together after painting last week, and also getting ready for her birthday party this weekend, so I was really glad that I only had to spend one afternoon going through toys, clothing, and books.

The girlies are definitely still in the “I want to keep everything” phase, but we did throw out all of the random trash that they accumulate (gum wrappers are NOT special, no matter what they say), threw out the broken toys, and even made the (very difficult) decision to donate a few unloved items.

The books needed straightening and we weeded out some of the board books that they no longer use, although I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Madeline carrying a few of them around the past couple of days…

Is it sad that I can’t bring myself to get rid of the Boynton books? They were my girls favorites when they were really small, and I may just keep them for myself when they finally completely stop caring about them. They’re just too adorable.

Oh, and here’s a peek at the book sling that I made for Madeline’s room – I’ll be posting the tutorial soon!

Besides a general straightening and organizing of the rooms, the only other project to tackle was the clothing. I found some 18-month pajamas still crammed in the back of my now 3-year-old’s drawer, so I guess I wasn’t as on top of that as I thought I was!

We pulled out the too-small stuff, pulled out some of the next sizes, re-organized the to-be-grown-into storage containers, and called it a day (or week).

Next week is the kitchen/pantry, which will be much more challenging I’m sure!