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So, we aren’t huge TV advocates in our home.
Actually, we don’t even have a TV.

But we do watch DVD’s on the computer (so much easier to control than TV!), and I have to admit that occasionally, when my sanity is hanging by a thread, I’ve sat my girls in front of the screen for an hour or two.
Maybe it makes me a bad mom.
All I know is that once in a while, I don’t care.

If you’re a mom, you have to know what I’m saying when I talk about those days, where you chain the kids to the couch while you hide in a dark corner breathing into a paper bag.
Yeah….those days.

So anyways, we only have a few movies to choose from, and my girls are pretty happy watching the same thing over and over (and over).
Unfortunately DVD’s don’t last very long around wild little children who insist on touching, and scratching, and occasionally tasting them.

So a while back I was flipping through a home remedy book and saw that you can fix DVD’s with toothpaste!

And I remember thinking “yeah, right….”

But this past week when Little Einstein, Winnie the Pooh, AND The Snowman were all skipping or just not playing, I remembered that little tip and was just desperate enough to try.

And wonder of wonders…it worked!
I’ve tried this on five DVD’s and two CD’s and the only time it didn’t work was on a badly scratched (Casting Crowns…sob!) CD, which I think is just beyond help.
The rest of them have been back to 100%, which leaves me wondering why on earth I didn’t try it earlier.

Fixing your DVD’s is super easy, so I thought I’d do a quick step-by-step so you can try for yourself.

#1 – Get some toothpaste and your scratched disc. I was almost out of adult toothpaste, and couldn’t remember if a certain kind was recommended in the book (and I really wish I could remember what the name of that book was, now!), so I just used what I had on hand – Crest for kids.

#2 – Put a few dots of toothpaste on the disc, enough to cover but not be too goopy.

#3 – Using your fingers, buff the disc, until the toothpaste is partly dry and tacky feeling. Put some pressure on it, you want to really rub it in well.

#4 – Rinse well with warm water; it comes off easily.

#5 – Pat dry with a soft cloth.

#5 – Stick that bad boy in the player and enjoy some alone time with your paper bag. :D

Seriously, all of the movies I tried this on have worked like new – no more skipping, freezing up, or refusing to play.

(In searching around to see whether toothpaste brands matter, I ran across this post {so much for being original}, where she recommends Crest for Kids – how lucky was I for using that kind?!)

I can’t guarantee that this will work for you, but it did for me, and I’m sure to try it when our discs start skipping from now on. Hey, worth a shot, right?

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Parties I link to: Craft-O-Maniac, Lines Across My Face, Sew Can Do, Sew Chatty, C.R.A.F.T., Making the World Cuter, Skip to My Lou, The Girl Creative, The Southern InstituteChef In Training, Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom, A Bowl Full of Lemons, Sweet Little Gals, Vintage Wanna Bee, Sugar Bee Crafts, Funky Polkadot Giraffe, The Kurtz Corner, Todays Creative Blog, Tip Junkie, Reasons to Skip the Housework , Mandy’s Recipe Box,Rook No. 17, the Sasse Life, My Girlish Whims, Handy Man, Crafty Woman, Sew Much Ado, Polka Dots on Parade, Ginger Snap Crafts, Southern Lovely, House of HepworthsThe Crafty Blog StalkerSomewhat Simple, Something Swanky, A Glimpse Inside, Crafty Scrappy Happy, Delicate Construction, Simply Sweet Home, Tidy Mom, Fingerprints on the Fridge, Creation Corner, Kojo Designs, Thirty Handmade Days, Sassy Sites, Tatertots and Jello, Bacon Time, Flamingo Toes, Six Sisters Stuff, Sweet as Sugar Cookies, Naptime Creations, Crazy for Crust, Lolly Jane Boutique,