40 By 40

Here’s a list of 40 things that I would like to accomplish before I’m (gulp) 40.

I’ve had this list half written for several years now, and decided if I actually want a shot at completing anything I better finish it.
I do better with clear goals in mind.

So, in no particular order…here it is.

40 BEFORE 40

  1. Tour the East Coast (we’re purposely holding off on this until our kids are a little older)
  2. Learn Calligraphy
  3. Visit Amber
  4. Learn to sing harmony *snicker*  Yeah, right.
  5. Go back to Alaska
  6. Grown peonies and/or a beautiful flowerbed in front of my house
  7. Read a biography or autobiography of every president
  8. Make myself clothing that I will actually WEAR
  9. Learn to swim (better) and teach the girls
  10. Complete “My Life” journal
  11. Create a beautiful quilt
  12. Host a girlfriends crafting weekend
  13. Donate Blood (How have I still not done this?!)
  14. Be able to do pullups
  15. Reach goal weight/size
  16. Teach girls to bake/cook
  17. Learn to take exceptional photos
  18. Crochet a blanket
  19. Make a difference in someone’s life
  20. Keep mother/daughter journal
  21. Make a multi-course, authentic Chinese meal and eat with chopsticks
  22. Memorize 100 Bible verses
  23. Take girls to the ballet
  24. See replica of the ark
  25. Learn to draw
  26. Make the master bedroom into a haven
  27. Teach girls to play piano
  28. Backpack the entire trail in Oklahoma
  29. Switch to re-useable napkins/paper towels – done!
  30. Complete an art journal
  31. Visit Hawaii
  32. Invest in a telescope and learn the constellations with the girls
  33. Keep a year-long gratitude journal and make daily entries
  34. Run a 10K
  35. Write Psalms in my own words (dad said he did this in college and I’ve wanted to try it ever since)
  36. Make beautiful cakes
  37. Paint a watercolor
  38. Teach the girls to sew
  39. Have a day filled with RAOK’s towards others
  40. Let go.  Probably the hardest, but most necessary.

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