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I think possibly this has been my favorite project, ever.

As Thanksgiving has drawn closer I’ve seen this adorable little turkey all over Pinterest, but I origianlly “discovered” it via the actual website itself (which is almost un-heard of these post-Pinterest days) at The Cottage Home almost a year ago…right after Thanksgiving. (Yep, same lovely lady who posted the Fairy Princess Tutu that I made for Alisa.)

(Run-on sentence much?)

But let me tell ya, it’s been hard to wait an entire year to make these.
I’ve been counting down the days.
Okay, not really.
But I have kept my eye on the calendar in anticipation.

And when it was all said and done, this wasn’t a very hard project.
It took me 2.5 afternoon naptimes to complete from start to finish.
And most of that time was spent watching 24 on Netflix.
(I would never, ever want to be Jack Bauer’s backup.)

But back to the turkeys.
The worst part for me was stitching around the feathers at the very end.
And just a word of warning.
Don’t look closely at my stitches.

All you’ll need to make these is:

Scraps of coordinating fabrics (I used 6 fabrics, 11 total feathers)
WonderUnder (or other fusible interfacing)
Sewing Machine
Embroidery floss/Needle
Pattern found at The Cottage Home (or sketch one yourself)

Iron the fabric scraps to your fusible interfacing.
Cut the pattern out and trace 2 feathers from each scrap.
Cut the feathers out and remove the paper backing.
Repeat the same process with the body of the bird. (I used felt to give it some texture.

Arrange feathers in your desired pattern, making sure to center them on the shirt before fusing them.

After ironing the feathers onto the shirt, add the body and fuse it the same way.

Add some eyes, a beak, and feet with embroidery floss.

Stitch around feathers and body with your sewing machine. Curving around the feathers was difficult for me at first but by the second shirt I was more comfortable with it.
Not that my stitches look any better.

Hello! Aren’t these the most adorable turkeys ever?!
Well…I think so.
And now my girlies have something cute to wear next Thursday.
Unless they outgrow them by then.
And judging by the rate they’re currently devouring everything in sight….they just might.

I said don’t look!

Parties I link to: Craft-O-Maniac, Lines Across My Face, Sew Can Do, Sew Chatty, C.R.A.F.T., Making the World Cuter, Skip to My Lou, The Southern InstituteChef In Training, Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom, A Bowl Full of Lemons, Vintage Wanna Bee, Sugar Bee Crafts, Funky Polkadot Giraffe, Todays Creative Blog, Tip Junkie, Mandy’s Recipe Box, My Girlish Whims, Handy Man, Crafty Woman, Sew Much Ado, Ginger Snap Crafts, Southern Lovely, House of HepworthsThe Crafty Blog StalkerSomething Swanky, A Glimpse Inside, Delicate Construction, Tidy Mom, Thirty Handmade Days, Tatertots and Jello, Flamingo Toes, Six Sisters Stuff, Naptime Creations, Crazy for Crust